ModelPlan 115

Citroen F.W.D. "H" type Van


This legendary vehicle is over fifty years old and although very popular in continental Europe, none were commercially sold in the British market due to Citroen's technical difficulties in converting it to right hand steering.

Pierre Monsallut designed his model to approximately 1/8 full size, and to have these same features as its prototype:-

  • Monocoque bodyshell construction. (No chassis)

  • Full independent torsion bar suspension with unequal length double wishbones at the front, and trailing arms at the rear.

  • Rack and pinion steering, with angled gearing.

  • Front wheel drive with differential.

The model also features the Meccano infra-red remote control, operating one motor to driving the model either forward or reverse, and the other steering the model to either left or right.

The instructions in French have been translated for us by Alan Partridge, and cover the body, front axle assembly, frame, suspension arms, hub carriers, steering, torsion bars, differential & driveshafts, gears, Front axle mounting, rear suspension assembly, steering wheel linkage and servo-motor assembly, body plating, infra-red control, and torsion bar tuning.

Profusely illustrated with 32 colour photographs.