ModelPlan 105



by Charles Roth   -    £11.20

Built, photographed and described by the late Charles Roth, this model is a scaled-up version of of an HO Jouef model. At approximately 1/16 full size, the crane, with its two compensating bogies and two service trucks is over two metres long, running on a 90mm gauge track.

The Crane has two swivelling outriggers at each end which are attached to the two bogies when travelling to spread the weight of the Crane over all sorts of rails. When in service these bogies are removed and act as stabilizers, the bases of which are carried in the rear service truck.

The Instructions, covering some 14 pages are divided into five sections:-

A - Main Truck, Wheels and Outriggers.

B - Turntable, Motors, Winding Drums and Cab

C - Jib, Hooks and Roping

D - Compensating Bogies and Outrigger Bases

E - Service Wagons

Illustrated with eight pages of coloured photographs, and containing approximate Parts List

The front covers have a coloured IsoMec drawing of a three quarter view of the entire locomotive and comprehensive illustrated parts lists are also provided.